January 25, 2009

The Big Surprise: The Blog Has Moved

Filed under: Other,Sci/Tech — PolitiCalypso @ 9:51 pm

And so this is it. This is the big change to the site. The blog has moved, and its appearance now reflects that of the main page. I am also using a different blogging engine, the excellent WordPress.

There are multiple reasons behind each decision. Why did I move, first of all? Well, the main reason is that the purpose of this blog is going to be somewhat different for the foreseeable future. When I started it, I had a professional reason to be as active as I could in the “blogosphere,” particularly the political sphere. I needed a blog that was separate, visually and technically, from my personal hobby site. I needed my “activist identity” to be separate, at least in name, from my personal diversions. However, things are different now that I don’t work for John Kerry or MASSPIRG. My vision for this blog is a more personal, eccentric, interest-oriented one, a blog that has no need to adhere to a strict update regime. If I don’t need full separation anymore, why have it?

Why the uniformity in design? Mainly because I like the effect, and I’m capable, as a CSS nerd, of pulling it off. It bothers me aesthetically for a website to have pages that look vastly different — for each directory to have a completely different color scheme, layout, font choice, etc. It looks amateurish, in fact, and likely is a sign that the webmaster does not know CSS. No way am I going to be guilty of that. As a developer, I feel it would be laziness on my part not to attempt something I was capable of doing and that appealed to me.

Why the switch in blogging engines? This relates to the first Q & A. My old engine, Serendipity, worked quite well, and I have no major complaints with it. It has scads and scads of plugins, and I’d recommend it to anyone who wanted a big blog with tons of features. My reason for the switch was twofold: I found it personally easier to work with WordPress’s themes, and moreover, Serendipity was much slower than WordPress, for me. Evidently the reason for this is some questionable decisions made in the coding of it. When I have a look at the databases’ schemata for each blogging engine, I realize it’s no wonder that S9Y is slower. But, again, that’s not a slam upon that software. It’s just a recognition of the fact that it no longer served my needs, and WordPress did.

So this is why I’ve made these changes.

Now what’s going to happen going forward? Well, there are still some things I’d like to work on, perhaps. I would like to have some level of synchronization between my main RSS feed and the RSS feed for this blog, and I may write something to accomplish that. I’m also quite likely to write a script to keep my main links page in sync with the links on the blog’s sidebar. And, unfortunately for the would-be squatters, the politicalypso domain will still point to this blog.

Speaking of which, the old links will remain operational until July 6, 2009. At that point the old system will be taken down. If you have specific blog pages bookmarked, I strongly advise you to relocate the pages and change your links. After that date, any old links will simply redirect to the blog’s front page. PolitiCalypso.com already redirects here, and on that date, the “redirect” page will be taken down.

In view of this, I’ve made it easier to find Katrina-related content (I have reason to believe that most bookmarks are for these pages) by creating a category called “Katrina.”

There are still some kinks to be worked out. You’ll notice that the tags from Serendipity have NOT been transferred over yet. They will be, but this is very time-consuming work, and it may take awhile for the tagging to be complete. Bear with me, and thanks for reading.

November 2, 2006

The John Kerry I Know

Filed under: Politics — PolitiCalypso @ 1:27 pm

Late in 2005, I was invited as a guest to John Kerry’s birthday gala in Boston. At the party, I had the honor of speaking with Kerry himself as well as his lovely and sweet wife. It was a great experience. But, like many such events, it had several hundred people present, and no one person got much “face time.” That was fine. It was no one’s fault, and what’s more, was a good thing that he drew that kind of support.

After the party, I went to the hotel restaurant with several staffers and other supporters. We all sat down and ordered some late-night food and drinks. We chattered, growing increasingly louder, over one topic after another. The war. Hurricane Katrina. The fact that Kerry’s office had sent an aid plane to the Gulf Coast but had not wanted a media spectacle made of it. The party. Local politics. One of the staffers got a call from the Senator on his cell phone and held it out to the rest of the table for us to send a message. We screamed into the phone.

Ten minutes later, the Senator himself walked in the door, dressed in jeans and casual clothes.He sat down and announced that the bill was on him. Then he entered the conversation as though he’d been there all along.

I am a native of the South and lived within a couple of hours’ driving distance of the areas that were devastated by Hurricane Katrina. The Gulf Coast is still being neglected, with local businesses and homeowners being disregarded in favor of huge industries. All the missing still have not been located. The issue of disaster relief is dear to my heart, to put it mildly. I mentioned this to the Senator, and thanked him for sending his relief plane.

Well, it turned out that he had sent three. With NO mention in the media. He didn’t want it. It wasn’t supposed to be about making a political statement for him, but about helping those who needed it. This was, of course, an amazing distinction from the sideshow that George W. Bush and assorted Republicans put on to attempt to save face after the storm.

I have to say, I was moved to tears. And I am not the sort of person to cry in public, much less before a famous person. I would have considered it humiliating, but not this time. Kerry portrayed the aura of ease, of sympathy, and of understanding. He wouldn’t think less of me for being emotional about something that was so important to me. How often do you find that, a public official whom you can cry in front of — cry in sadness and gratitude, not excitement — without embarrassment?

For many in that restaurant, this night was the first time they had met the Senator in person. He was perfectly fine with that, perfectly at ease with everyone. He trusted us and was completely genuine, authentic, and honest with us. It was obvious from the way he spoke to us. He spoke like a regular person, not a politician. There was no simpering, sucking up, or pontificating, as jaded people might expect from a meeting with a political figure. It was all real. He talked to us about what we could all do to support Democrats in 2006, and how important it was. He talked about being a fighter and learning from the 2004 campaign.

He talked about his gratitude for our support of him, and how honored he was. This is a pattern I’ve observed from reading about other meetings between him and his supporters. He is always modest and seems surprised and honored that people truly believe in him. How rare is that for an elected official to be honored and modestly surprised that his supporters don’t just support him, but believe in him? I don’t know why he would be surprised; it only makes sense that someone who holds such strong and patriotic beliefs himself would attract supporters with equally strong ideals and equally deep support. However, I recognize that I am far less modest than Kerry, so that is the difference. It wouldn’t naturally occur to him that throngs of people would believe in him, with their minds and hearts. Unlike many political figures, he’s not so full of himself as to assume something like that.

He concluded the evening with bear hugs for everyone. The sort of hug that envelops you, and you just know that if you were to break free of it, the person hugging you would be smiling kindly at you. I know what a “political hug” is. I’ve been the recipient, or victim if you prefer, of one, more than once. This was not a political hug.

I didn’t chat with a politician that night. I made a friend.

The John Kerry I met was, and is, a human being with a heart. He is a public servant in the truest sense of the phrase. In recent days, it’s been said that he’s a “bad politician.” If, by that, people mean that he is bad at dishonesty, fakery, game-playing, and shameless self-promotion, then they’re right. He is a bad “politician.” But you know, we’ve had at least six years of rule by “politicians,” people who do everything with their top priority as their own political fortunes rather than the benefit of the country. America is not better for it.

I don’t know what Kerry’s plans are for the future. No one really and truly knows that except for him, because it will always be his decision. He will not be bullied or pressured into any decision by outside influences, because for him, his career has not been about self-aggrandizement. It has been about serving America. Should he choose to make another run for the highest office in the land, I will be one of the first to get behind him.

Why? Because he is not a “politician.” He’s a regular person. He’s a public servant. He is a patriot.

July 8, 2006

In the interest of full disclosure

Filed under: Politics — PolitiCalypso @ 12:48 pm

I thought, given the furor whipped up by right-wing blogs over MyDD blogger Jerome Armstrong accepting money from former Virginia governor Mark Warner, and DailyKos‘s Markos Moulitsas formerly being on the Howard Dean campaign as a consultant, I thought it best that a few things about me were made public. On the internet, there are no secrets, and it’s probably better to be open about such things instead of having to explain, after someone else revealed them, why you kept them a secret.

I currently work for Friends of John Kerry and Keeping America’s Promise. However, unless I explicitly say otherwise for a particular item, the following are true:

  • Although I support him, absolutely nothing written for this blog is commissioned by them. I accept no payments, monetary or otherwise, for articles written for this blog, or any other website to which I post content on my own initiative.
  • Nothing I write here is vetted or sanctioned by them.
  • I’m nobody’s marionette. If I write a piece supportive of John Kerry, that’s my choice. He writes occasional pieces on Daily Kos and the Huffington Post, for heaven’s sake; do you really think that my blog is more effective if they wanted to put a message out to the "Netroots"?
  • I’m paying all domain and hosting costs for this blog, I use free open-source software to run the blog, and I do administrative functions and maintenance on my own time.
  • If you want inside information, the answer is an unqualified NO, and that’s my final answer. This is standard policy for any private entity. Any comments requesting it are fair game for deletion.
  • All content that is posted by the user "PolitiCalypso" is my own work, with the exception of content quoted and cited from another source.
  • Any advertisements and links on this blog are, again, my choice, and do not imply sponsorship of my blog or any other site to which I control the copyright. Any possible future paid advertisements will in no way affect the content of what I write.

I hope this clears things up.

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